It's important when planning a trip to take into consideration each individual's personal circumstances. This is the difference between a regular run of the mill tour operator and one that is bespoke or let's even say one that genuinely cares about its customers. This is what we strive for at the Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre and something I hopefully managed to emulate during my family's 5 day trip to Cradle Mountain and Strahan over Easter.

Gordon River (Credit: Aditya Munshi)
Now typically I would spend more time in and around Cradle Mountain (being a bit of an alpine lover), but some of my family members have limited mobility so long and strenuous hikes/walks were out of the question. What I did to ensure those who couldn't manage the more 'rewarding' walks was to jump on the 'Cradle Discoverer' bus loop out to Dove lake stop for a few photos and get back to the Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre (which in itself is worth a visit) and do lighter walks to the Enchanted Forest and Pencil Pines and Knyvet Falls. Dinner that evening was delicious at the Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge followed by drinks by a log fireplace.
The next morning we woke up to blue skies and hike up beyond Marions Lookout, which set the tone for the next 3 days. After our hike, we made our way leisurely via the Tullah Lakeside Lodge to Strahan arriving late evening.
We spent the next morning on the wonderful West Coast Wilderness Railway journey on their River and Rainforest trip to Dubbil Barril. The staff really do make the experience fantastic. The following day was spent on the magnificent Gordon River and what a day for it. Photos will never do justice to any nature based experience but we got plenty of beautiful memories to take away. Dinner on our last night was at Bushman's Thai which took us by surprise (positively) and this was a great way to end to our short roadtrip out West (and Northwest).
If you're looking for similar trip ideas, touring or accommodation options, please contact us on 03 6238 4222 or via email at
Adi Munshi - Manager
Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre