It's been a tough couple of years for all of us and for me personally being an immigrant especially so – not being able to see loved ones for over 2 years. That changed last month where I had my in-laws visit from Peru and as recently as last week I had my own family visit from India.
I planned a couple of trips to the 'Western Wilds' taking into consideration all of my family’s personal and health circumstances, curating an itinerary with a balance between walks, great food, adventure and budgets.

Kayaking in Corinna (Credit: Aditya Munshi)
My Peruvian family are quite fit and even put me to the test so over the course of a weekend, I drove 5½ hours on a Saturday from Hobart to Corinna in time for a 1 pm paddle. This was my second visit to Corinna and it's always magical there. We had picture perfect blue skies and reflections along the Pieman River left one confusing as to what was sky and what was water.
After our paddle we then drove over to the Tullah Lakeside Lodge (our home for the night) – what an exquisite location! Next morning we did the hike up Mount Murchison – an absolutely fantastic day hike (not for the faint hearted). The views up top are fantastic and it's worth walking around the top as you can find different lakes and tarns which are not always in view if you simply go straight to the summit. On the way down the weather came in and we descended through low lying fog into the forest.
The 5 hour drive back to Hobart seemed endless after the 3 hour hike. Getting back to work on Monday morning (exhausted!) was quite the task after such a hectic weekend but now I am able to share some more personal tips with visitors to our beautiful state.
If these activities seem like something you would enjoy, then stop by our visitor centre on Davey Street and come and have a chat with me or any of our team of friendly Travel Advisors.
Adi Munshi - Manager
Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre