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Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences


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Unit 6/12 Railway Court, Cambridge TAS 7170, Australia


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Cancellation Policy


Your booking is subject to our standard terms and conditions listed below, including the assumption of risks inherent in any chosen activities, equipment and/or supplies.

Booking Confirmation and Payment

To confirm a booking, reservation or order, you must pay a deposit of 10% of the value of the goods and/or services. We will send you a booking receipt confirming your order, showing the balance due on your account.

To complete your booking, reservation or order, you must pay the balance due on your account at least seven days before the tour or required date.

To collect hire equipment, you must pay a security deposit of $100 on the day of hire, fully refundable on return of the equipment in good working order (see below under hire equipment)

To secure an extra pick up trip if you are an independent walker delayed at the end of your trip by an unforeseen delay (see below under transport services) we will charge you a surcharge of 50% of the fare for that trip. We will ask you to provide your credit card details in advance to cover this possibility.

We accept all forms of payment and have listed the options on our booking platform.

Guided Tours

Client numbers maximum:

Day Tours – max 13
Multi-day Tours – max 10

Each single day tour is accompanied by one guide. Each multi-day tour is accompanied by at least two guides, however, if you are an independent walking group only needing the services of an Eco-interpreter, one guide may accompany you.

Our guided tours include:

free transfer from Hobart Airport or City the day before the tour to our Base Camp Tasmania at Glenfern, and free transfer to Hobart Airport or the City the day after the tour from Base Camp Tasmania

free accommodation at Base Camp Tasmania on the night before and the last night of your tour, with a continental breakfast each morning and a home-cooked meal each evening

all protective hiking clothing (waterproof jacket and over pants, fleece jacket, gaiters and gloves)

sleeping bag and liner, sleeping mat and rucksack

tasty and nutritious food for the track prepared by our guides

roomy two-person tents

professional guidance and leadership from our friendly and knowledgeable guides


The minimum number of passengers is two.

If we make an extra pickup trip without passengers (see Unforeseen delays below), we will charge you a surcharge of 50% of the fare for the trip. We will ask you to provide your credit card details in advance to cover this possibility.

We have allowed for a brief stop en route at a public convenience on journeys greater than two hours – additional unscheduled stops will attract a charge of $30/hour or part thereof (including GST) to cover our driver’s wages. Airport parking fees are not included in our fares and are payable by our clients.

Unforeseen Delays

We recognise that bushwalkers may experience unforeseen delays on the track and may not arrive at their end-point by the prearranged time.

If there are delays, this is our standard operating procedure:

We will:

arrive at the agreed pickup point at the agreed time (subject to any unforeseen delays we might also encounter en route, for example, roadworks, accidents, etc)

wait a further hour for the bushwalkers if they are not at the pickup point before returning to Base Camp Tasmania without them

leave a message at the Walkers’ Registration Point advising of our expected return time the next day

return the following day as soon as possible after fulfilling prior booking commitments

contact emergency services on the bushwalkers’ behalf if the bushwalkers have still failed to arrive at the pickup point, and there is no apparent reason for their delay. Before departure bushwalkers should provide us with a Trip Intention Form to assist emergency services.

Hiking Equipment Hire

We have listed detailed equipment specifications under Hire Equipment to assist in your selection, and our hire conditions are:

the hire period includes the pick-up day, but excludes the return day (if the equipment is returned by 10am on that day) and we calculate charges accordingly

we require a security deposit of $100 payable on the day of hire, refundable in full if the equipment is returned in good working order

we require a security deposit of $100 payable on the day of hire, refundable in full if the equipment is returned in good working order

you must satisfy yourself that the equipment you select is suitable for its intended use (which is outside our control)

we supply the equipment in good faith, but make no warranties about its condition or suitability, and we will not be responsible for any consequential losses arising from its use

Hiking Products for Sale

Our conditions of supply are:

you must satisfy yourself that a sundry item you purchase is suitable for its intended use (which is outside our control)

we supply sundry items in good faith, but make no warranties about their condition or suitability, and we will not be responsible for any consequential losses arising from their use