7 May 2019 - 31 May 2020
A celebration of the annual autumn display of the Fagus, Nothofagus Gunnii. This deciduous beech tree is endemic to the highlands in Tasmania. Fagus is a low lying plant that turns brilliant reds, oranges, yellows and browns, the stunning display of mass colour reflected in the surrounding lakes and tarns. Traditionally changing around ANZAC Day this humble plant entices photographers from around the world to experience, and capture its wonder. Each year the question is asked, which will come first, the turning of the Fagus or the first snowfall for the year. While in 2018 we've already had a few snowfalls, be prepared for the brisk beauty that snow adds to this breathtaking display. For more information on the Fagus, please contact Waterfalls Cafe & Gallery or the visitor information desk, both in the Visitor Centre at the entrance to Mt Field National Park.
Email Enquiries: info@WaterfallsCafe.com.au
Primary Phone: 6288 1526
Secondary Phone: 6288 1149
URL Enquiries: www.parks.tas.gov.au/events
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