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TSO Runaway Bunny

On August 30, 2019

At Federation Concert Hall Federation Concert Hall

For generations, The Runaway Bunny has touched and delighted young children (and, if truth be told, brought many a tear to the eyes of adult storytellers). This children’s classic – which has remained in print for more than 70 years – is read aloud in this concert and given a live orchestral soundtrack. Tissues available on request. Other music includes orchestral favourites on animal themes. Now that’s something to crow about!

Contact details

Email Enquiries: boxoffice@tso.com.au
Primary Phone: 1800 001 190
Secondary Phone: 6232 4450
Booking URL: https://tickets.tso.com.au/single/SelectSeating.aspx?p=5424
URL Enquiries: www.tso.com.au/concerts/the-runaway-bunny/

2019-08-30 00:00:00
0000-00-00 10:00:00

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