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TSO Pandemonium

On October 18, 2019

At Federation Concert Hall Federation Concert Hall
More Lewis Carroll than Mary Shelley, Frankenstein!! mixes orchestral music with nonsense verse on a wide variety of themes, from Superman to James Bond, Dracula to Batman and Robin (Shelley’s Frankenstein is referenced only incidentally). Delivered in a half-sung, half-spoken manner, the children’s rhymes will be performed in this concert by the composer himself, HK Gruber, who has subtitled his work ‘A pan-demonium for chansonnier and orchestra’. A touch of cabaret comes to the concert hall. Like Frankenstein’s monster, the figures created by Prometheus in Beethoven’s ballet score The Creatures of Prometheus come to life and acquire the ability to think, move and feel. Composed by a youthful Beethoven (it was written between the first two symphonies), Prometheus is among the liveliest and most colourful of all of his works. Likewise vibrant is Rimsky-Korsakov’s arrangement of Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain, which evokes a spectacle akin to Tolkien’s frightening Mordor.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: boxoffice@tso.com.au
Primary Phone: 1800 001 190
Secondary Phone: 6232 4450
Booking URL: https://tickets.tso.com.au/single/SYOS.aspx?p=5421
URL Enquiries: https://www.tso.com.au/concerts/pandemonium/
2019-10-18 22:00:00
2019-10-18 22:00:00

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