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The Violent Outburst That Drew Me To You

On June 05, 2019

At Theatre Royal Theatre Royal

A MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY PRODUCTION BY FINEGAN KRUCKEMEYER Sixteen year old Connor is angry. People and things he once liked now just annoy him. Even his best mate. Then, the outburst. Connor is isolated in the forest for a week by himself to calm down. But his anger has travelled with him. Then a girl called Lotte walks into the woods. And she is angry too. Winner of the 2014 AWGIE award for Best Theatre for Young People, Kruckemeyer’s whip-smart, sweet and funny tale about two offbeat kids at war with the world will resonate with teenagers and anyone who has ever been one.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: boxoffice@theatreroyal.com.au
Primary Phone: 6146 3300
Booking URL: https://www.theatreroyal.com.au/shows/violent-outburst-drew-me-you
URL Enquiries: www.theatreroyal.com.au

2019-06-05 00:00:00
0000-00-00 10:00:00

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