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Lilium Bulb Sale

On June 02, 2019

At Latrobe Memorial Hall Latrobe Memorial Hall

Our 2019 Lilium Bulb Sale will be held at the Latrobe Memorial Hall from 11 am to 1 pm on Sunday 2nd June. Our Lilium Bulb Sale offers a very broad range of Lilium bulbs along with some select companion bulbs and plants. Many of these bulbs are unavailable elsewhere and are often in short supply. Best bulbs always sell quickly – be early! The emphasis is on easily-grown, garden lilies although there are also rare species liliums for the collector and many different Lilium Hybrids. This includes many of the great new Tasmanian-bred hybrids. Asiatics, Martagons, Trumpet/Aurelians, Orientals, OTs and more – all at reasonable prices. Most of our experienced growers have their own tables and are available to give personal advice on their lilies. Our 2018 Lilium Bulb Sale was again, very successful. These events just keep on getting better every year. Buyers travel from far and wide to attend this event. Thanks to all those who supported us and good luck with your lilies!

Contact details

Email Enquiries: neil.jordan@iinet.net.au
Primary Phone: 6435 1298

2019-06-02 00:00:00
0000-00-00 10:00:00

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