Tasmania’s Overland Track is an iconic 65km multi-day hiking track which runs from Cradle Mountain to Lake St-Clair. This trail takes you through world-class temperate rainforests and rugged mountains. Hearing about this epic trail and the amazing experiences people have had, I finally booked it in and hiked the trail with my family.
This multiday hike requires careful planning and we packed about 19kgs of camping supplies per person. We started our journey from Hobart and stayed overnight in the Launceston city centre. We set off very early the next morning, with McDermott’s coaches who took us to the Cradle Mountain visitor centre. After collecting our permits, we boarded the Dove Lake Shuttle bus and head towards our start point.
I didn’t know what to expect when we started on the hike. All I felt was a jumble of excitement! The first day turned out to be the most difficult day for me. It was the steepest climb up to Marion’s Lookout. I was scared to even turn my head around. However, it’s well worth the effort to get on there and see the picturesque Dove Lake!

Dove Lake (Credit: Aditya Munshi)
The next day we walked from Waterfall Valley to Lake Windermere. The trail this day was relatively leisurely and flat. Continuing on the trail to New Pelion Hut, we walked through the hilly, twisted and dense forest, with parts of the trail fitted with duckboard to carry us over the muddy track. I did however discover the best way is to wade straight through the mud to avoid widening (and damage) to the mail trail.
Although we took tents (which is a requirement), we weren’t really certain sure where and when we would camp. We did use our tent for one night because we were too exhausted to get to the next hut. That night I opened my eyes to hear the rain hit the tent – made me a feel a tad out of my comfort zone.
When we arrived at Lake Saint Clair (last day) in the afternoon, we enjoyed a chilled pint of beer at the beautiful Lake Saint Clair lodge. I knew we had finished this trip but just didn’t want to leave.
It was great that I was able to share this unique experience with my family. Seven days on the trail was full of challenges as I had imagined. My legs were sore, my pack was heavy, I drank the rainwater filtered by using water purification tablets, and I had to walk a muddy trail almost every day. I felt that the extremely limited phone reception throughout the Overland Track allowed me to be more mindful by focusing on physical exercise and reading books each day. The entire experience was more exhilarating than I had anticipated. I plan to do this amazing hike again next year! I would also highly recommend this trek to anyone. Just remember that pre-booking is important as permits sell out very quickly.
If you are planning to go, come and find me at the Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre. I am more than happy to share all the tips, tricks and details about this multiday hiking experience!
Kiki Lu - Travel Advisor
Tasmanian Travel & Information Centre