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Open Hours: Summer Hours: Oct-April 9am - 5pm Winter Hours: May-September 10am - 4pm

Tasmazia is Tasmania’s premier family attraction comprising 8 mazes (the world’s largest maze complex), the whimsical miniature Village of Lower Crackpot built to 1/5 scale, Embassy Gardens with buildings dedicated to more than 40 countries, a self serve Cafeteria, Gift Shop and the best ladies’ loo on the planet.


20 years in the creation, the 7 acre (and growing) complex includes the magical model village of Lower Crackpot, a fun family attraction.

Tasmazia - What's here?

The Great Maze: A botanical maze. At the time of planting, the worlds largest. Consists of a number of "rooms" with up to five "doors" leaving from each door. Each one will cause you different problems. Your goal: The Three Bears Cottage.

The Cage: Timber construction. In complicated cage design, not for the feint hearted. Your goal: Thomas Crapper Memorial.

The Balance Maze: Short wall construction requiring long term balance. Your goal: the other end.

The Confusion Maze: A hedge maze. Has a reputation of being harder to get out of than into. Your Goal: The tree.

The Hexagonal Maze: A six-sided hedge maze. A little stinker. Your Goal: The memorial to posts & poles.

Hampton Court Maze: Hedge Construction. A repeat design of the maze at Hampton Court palace. The goal: the middle. The man who designed it has been dead for three hundred years, he's still messing people up, how's that for an impact on posterity?

The Yellow Brick Road Maze: Forms part of the residential area of Upper Lower Crackpot. A footpath maze that small children should be able to negotiate on their own. You'd be surprised how many adults toss in the towel.

Cubby Town: Also at Tasmazia is famous Cubby Town, a world unto itself!

Crackpot Correction Centre: An ideal place for parents whose children have misbehaved on the trip to Tasmazia. Fantastic location for images for the family album.

Embassy Gardens: More than 40 countries' embassies are present and still expanding.

The Village of Lower Crackpot: The signs through the mazes are very funny but this 1/5th scale model village adds a bit of twisted humour to the Tasmazia experience. One of the most popular features in the complex.

Map & Directions

500 Staverton Road, Promised Land Tasmania 7306, Australia,


Exit Sheffield at its eastern end and turn left at the town boundary onto C141 (West Kentish Rd). After following West Kentish Rd through the hamlet of West Kentish, turn left onto the C140 (Staverton Rd) and pass through the hamlet of Roland. Tasmazia is about 3 minutes' drive past Roland.

Phone 03 6491 1934
Mobile 0417 747 115


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Cancellation Policy

Tickets are valid for up to one year from the date of purchase until used for the first entry to Tasmazia. As there is no restriction on the date of entry we have no cancellation policy. Tickets are non-refundable and not transferable for cash or any other items.