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Kings Fine Art Gallery and Tearoom

East Coast Tasmania Galleries, Museums and Collections

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Hidden away in the bush just seven minutes from Swansea on the Great Eastern Drive is Kings Fine Art Gallery. The Gallery’s theme is water ways, beaches, woodland, flora and fauna.

Featuring art works of the east coast of Tasmania by resident artist Laurence King as well as the best of local artists including wood work.

Enjoy morning or afternoon tea with freshly baked scones, homemade jam and cream or if preferred coffee and cheese cake.

All this in a beautiful bush garden setting with the sound of Nine Mile Beach just a short walk away. A must to visit!


Hidden away in the bush just seven minutes from Swansea Tasmania on the Great Eastern Drive is Kings Fine Art Gallery and Tearoom.
A jewel of a place, only a short walk away from the sapphire waters of Nine Mile Beach.
The theme of the Gallery is waterways, beaches, woodland, flora and fauna. All art works are of the east coast of Tasmania. The resident artist works mainly in acrylics and oils. Originals are on display with exceptional quality prints also available.
Enjoy morning or afternoon tea with freshly baked scones, homemade jams and cream or if preferred coffee.
The Gallery is disability and Senior Card friendly with RV parking just a short walk away.


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Map & Directions

22 Cambria Drive, Dolphin Sands, Tasmania 7190 Australia,


Swansea - 4 turns to the right takes 7 minutes
Heading north 3 km turn right Swan River Rd
2 km turn right Dolphin Sands Rd
1 km turn right Cambria Drive
100m turn right at Kings Fine Art Gallery
Sign Posted from Hwy to drive way


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Special Events

Artist in Residence will be on "show" painting drawing etc In the Garden ... Saturday and Sundays 1pm-4pm